DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Matrix Math and Special Matrices > Matrix Math and Special Matrices
Create a series or multiple column array |
Multiply two matrices |
Matrix solve |
Matrix right division |
Raise a matrix to a power |
Swap the rows and columns of a specified table |
Complex conjugate transpose |
Balance a matrix |
Compute the Cholesky factorization of a square matrix |
Return an array of COL numbers |
Estimate the condition number of a matrix |
Calculate the matrix cross product |
Calculate matrix determinant |
Get the main diagonal of a matrix |
Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix |
Get eigenvalues of a matrix |
Get eigenvectors of a matrix |
Calculate the exponential of a matrix |
Calculate a general matrix function |
Generate a Hankel matrix |
Find the Hessenberg form of a matrix |
Matrix Inner Product |
Apply REDUCE associatively |
Invert a matrix |
Compute the Kronecker tensor product |
Lower triangular matrix in LU decomposition |
Calculate the matrix log |
Return the lower triangle of a matrix including the main diagonal |
Return the lower triangle of a matrix excluding the main diagonal |
LU decomposition |
Matrix solve |
Matrix multiplication |
Get eigenvalues without balancing step |
Get eigenvectors without balancing step |
Calculate the norm of a series or array |
Compute an orthogonal basis for the Null space of an array |
Total number of matrix elements |
Compute an orthonormal basis of an array using SVD |
Outer product of two vectors |
Partial product of two vectors |
Calculate the pseudo inverse of a matrix using SVD |
QR decomposition |
Estimate the number of independent rows or columns of an array |
Estimate the reciprocal condition number |
Return an array of row numbers |
Generate the SCHUR form of a matrix |
Return a 2 point series containing the dimensions of an array |
Calculate the matrix square root |
Singular value decomposition |
Generate a Toeplitz matrix |
Calculate the trace of an array, the sum of the diagonal elements |
Transpose a matrix |
Conjugate transpose a matrix |
Lower triangular matrix |
Upper triangular matrix |
Upper triangular matrix in LU decomposition |
Return the upper triangle of a matrix including the main diagonal |
Return the upper triangle of a matrix excluding the main diagonal |
Compute the SCHUR form of an input matrix |
Generate a Vandermonde matrix |