Computes the inverse of a square matrix.
a |
- |
A square matrix. |
A matrix.
a = {{1, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7},
{8, 9, 12}}
b = inverse(a)
b == {{-0.6, 0.0, 0.2},
{ 0.26667, 1.3333, -0.8667},
{ 0.2, -1.0, 0.6}}
a *^ b == {{1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1}}
to within machine precision.
W1: rand(100)
W2: inv(W1)
W3: W1 *^ W2
The inverse b of square matrix a produces a result such that:
a *^ b == I, the identity matrix.
The inverse matrix is computed using LU decomposition.
When a is badly scaled or nearly singular, the inverse cannot be obtained. See COND to estimate the condition number and RCOND to estimate the reciprocal condition number.
When det(a) == 0, the matrix is singular and the inverse cannot be calculated reliably. See DET to compute the determinant.
See PINV to compute the pseudo-inverse.
See SVD for an alternate computation of the matrix inverse.
See \^ (Matrix Solve) to efficiently solve a system of equations using LU or QR decomposition.
See LINFIT to fit an arbitrary set of basis functions to a series using the method of least squares.
INVERSE can be abbreviated INV.
See DADiSP/MatrixXL to significantly optimize INVERSE.