Calculates the matrix logarithm.
a |
- |
A square matrix. |
A square matrix.
W1: ravel({1,2,3,4}, 2)
W2: logm(w1)
produces the following matrix in W2:
{{-0.3504 + 2.3911i, 1.3940 - 1.6406i},
{ 0.9294 - 1.0938i, 1.0436 + 0.7505i}}
W1: ravel(1..9, 3)
W2: logm(w1)
W3: expm(w2)
W1 == {{1, 4, 7},
{2, 5, 8},
{3, 6, 9}}
W2 == {{-5.4773 + 2.7896i, 12.4510 - 0.7970i, -4.8315 - 1.2421i},
{12.1412 - 0.4325i, -22.6050 + 2.1623i, 13.0706 - 1.5262i},
{-5.4511 - 0.5129i, 12.7608 - 1.1616i, -4.2382 + 1.33129i}}
W3 == {{1, 4, 7},
{2, 5, 8},
{3, 6, 9}}
demonstrating EXPM and LOGM are inverse functions.
LOGM(A) computes a matrix X, the principal matrix logarithm of A, such that expm(X) == A.
The principal logarithm is undefined if the matrix is singular or has negative real eigenvalues.
See FUNM to compute the general matrix function.