Computes the Unitary Schur form of a square matrix.
a |
- |
A square matrix. |
A matrix.
a = {{1, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7},
{8, 9, 12}}
schur(a) == {{19.964, 4.353, -2.2431},
{ 0.0, -1.4739, 0.1399},
{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.50976}}
uschur(a) == {{0.25387, 0.96612, 0.046551},
{0.50456, -0.17334, -0.84579},
{0.82521, -0.19124, 0.53147}}
matrix = (uschur(a) *^ schur(a)) *^ transpose(uschur(a))
transpose(uschur(a)) *^ uschur(a)
returns an identity matrix which is the same size as the input matrix.