DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Special Functions > Special Functions
Airy function of the first and second kind |
Hankel function |
Modified Bessel function of the first kind |
Bessel function of the first kind |
Modified Bessel function of the second kind |
Bessel function of the second kind |
Return the incomplete beta function |
Inverse incomplete beta function |
Cosine Integral |
Dawson Integral |
Error function |
Complementary error function |
Inverse complementary error function |
Scaled complementary error function |
Imaginary Error Function |
Inverse error function |
Generalized exponential integral |
Cauchy principal value exponential integral |
Factorial for positive integers |
Faddeeva function |
Cosine Fresnel Integral |
Sine Fresnel Integral |
Numeric constant: 0.577216 |
Gamma function |
Alternate incomplete gamma function |
Inverse incomplete gamma function |
Natural log of the gamma function |
Incomplete gamma function |
Complementary incomplete gamma function |
Integer order Bessel function of the first kind |
Sine Integral |
Integer order Bessel function of the second kind |