Computes the regularized complementary incomplete gamma function.
GAMMAQ(a, x)
a |
- |
A scalar or series, the exponential factor. |
x |
- |
A scalar or series, the integration limit. |
A scalar, series, or table.
gammaq(1, 0.5)
returns 0.606531
gammaq(1+i, 0.5)
returns 0.855350 + 0.486356i
gammaq(1, 0.5i)
returns 0.877583 - 0.479426i
gammaq(1..4, 0..3)
returns the series {1, 0.735759, 0.676676, 0.647232}
and is equivalent to:
{gammaq(1,0), gammaq(2,1), gammaq(3,2), gammaq(4,3)}
The complementary or upper incomplete gamma function is defined as:
GAMMAQ computes the regularized complementary incomplete gamma function defined as:
where P(a, x) is the regularized incomplete gamma function implemented by GAMMAP and
Since the ordinary gamma function is defined as:
GAMMAQ can be thought of as generalizing the ordinary gamma function with a variable starting integration value.
The limiting values are :
GAMMAQ is also referred to as the regularized upper incomplete gamma function.
See GAMMAINC for an alternate implementation of the incomplete gamma function.