DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Annotation > Annotation
Draw an arrow at the specified coordinates |
Label the window with the series comment |
Set comment for the first series in a window |
Label X axis with X series comment and units |
Label X and Y axis with series comment and units |
Label Y axis with series comment and units |
Delete a text or shape object |
Change the color of the area containing specified points |
Display a value in a pop-up box |
Draw a line at specified coordinates |
Draw a point at specified coordinates |
Draw an ellipse at specified coordinates |
Locate graphics objects based on property values |
Locate shape objects based on property |
Locate text objects based on property |
Returns non-zero if input is a shape or text handle |
Label the window with text |
Insert a legend for all the series in a window |
Set the attributes and location for a standard legend |
Draw a polyline, deprecated use LINEDRAW |
Copy line annotation |
Freehand line drawing cursor in window |
Delete line annotation |
Draw a line at the specified coordinates |
Move line annotation |
Format a list of numbers |
Draw a closed polygon at specified coordinates |
Draw a rectangle at specified coordinates |
Label X axis with series name and units |
Label Y axis with series name and units |
Set the comment for any window, including overlays and overplots |
Format a list of strings, deprecated, use SPRINTF |
Format input values as strings |
Support for a subset of TeX math and Greek symbol formatting |
Annotate graph with text at specified coordinates |
Draw text, deprecated, use TEXT |
Freehand text annotation cursor in window |
Delete text annotation |
Edit text annotation |
Move text annotation |