DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Annotation > LINECUR




Invokes a freehand line drawing cursor in a Window.



color, style, target, match, focus, width, x, y)

(x1, y1, x2, y2) = LINECUR(

color, style, target, match, focus, width, x, y)



Optional. An integer or macro color name (e.g. RED) specifying line color. Defaults to color of primary series.



Optional. An integer specifying line style:


Solid (default)







Optional. An integer specifying the spatial relationship of the line to the Window:


PAPER (default). The line is located on the "graph paper" in the Window; within the coordinate system of the data. The line scrolls with the series.


GLASS. The line is located within the plotting area of Window. The line remains fixed in place when the series scrolls.


GLASS_WMARGIN. The line is located within the area of the entire Window. The line remains fixed in place when the series scrolls.


GLASS_WPMARGIN. The line is located within the vertical dimensions of a Window, and within the horizontal dimensions of the plotting area. The line remains fixed in place when the series scrolls.


GLASS_WSMARGIN. The line is located anywhere within the entire Worksheet area.



Optional. An integer that sets the line color to match the color of the selected overplot. Defaults to 1 (primary series). –1 implies use color parameter.



Optional. An integer specifying 1-based focus offset for PAPER annotations.



Optional. An integer specifying the line width in pixels. Defaults to 1.

x, y


Optional. Real values specifying the starting coordinates.


(x1, y1, x2, y2) = LINCUR( ) returns the start and end coordinates of the resulting line.



linecur(-1, 3, 0, 2);


brings up a dotted crosshair cursor with the color of the second series (i.e. the first overplot).



linecur(lred, 1, 0, 30.0, 40.0);


brings up a solid red crosshair cursor with the first anchor point at 30.0, 40.0.


LINECUR brings up a crosshair cursor in the middle of the Window unless a starting x and y location are specified.


To move the cursor use the mouse, the arrow keys, or use the CTRL arrow key combinations for higher speed. Pressing the mouse button, ".", or [Enter] will anchor the first line segment. After moving to a new spot, pressing [Enter] or clicking the mouse button again will draw the line from the anchor to the current position and then reset the anchor. Successive moves and carriage returns will leave a trail of connected line segments.


The "." key (or the middle mouse button on some platforms) can be used at any time to drop the anchor without drawing a line from the prior position.


All polylines created with a single call to LINECUR (or LINEDRAW) are displayed in the same color. You may specify the color explicitly for a polyline by using the "color" argument or by supplying an overplot index number (i).


Using an overplot index lets you associate a polyline annotation with a specific overplot, by guaranteeing that the polyline color will be the same as the overplot color. When setting an index (i), use 1 to refer to the color of your primary series; use 2 to refer to the color of your first overplot; 3 for your second overplot, etc.. 


The rules for determining the drawing color used for LINECUR (or LINEDRAW) follow. If a color is supplied as the first argument, that color will be used to draw all polylines. If -1 is specified as the first argument, DADiSP checks the overplot index (i), the fourth argument. If an overplot index is specified, DADiSP draws all polylines using the color that corresponds to the index. If the color argument is -1 and the overplot index is -1 (or omitted), DADiSP draws the polylines using the color of the primary series.

See Also: