Writes a Microsoft .BMP bitmap file.
WRITEBMP("filename", image, colormap)
"filename" |
- |
A string. The name of BMP ffile to write. |
series |
- |
Optional. An image array. Defaults to the current Window. |
colormap |
- |
Optional. A series, a 3xN colormap. Defaults to the current colormap. |
1 if successful.
(x, y) = fxyvals(-1, 1, 0.05, -1, 1, 0.05);
W1: density(cos(x*y))
writebmp("cos2d.bmp", W1)
writes the image displayed in W1 as a bitmap file.
WRITEBMP currently supports only uncompressed .BMP files with at most 256 colors. The image is automatically scaled to 8 bits per pixel.
WRITEBMP.SPL is based on SAVEBMP.M (Copyright 1993) written by:
Ralph Sucher
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Technical University of Vienna
Gusshausstrasse 25/389
A-1040 Vienna