Reads a BMP bitmap file.
"filename" |
- |
A string, the name of the target BMP file. |
An array.
reads and displays the bitmap file "mandrill.bmp".
(image, cmap) = readbmp(".\data\mandrill.bmp")
reads the bitmap file into the variable image and copies the colormap into the variable cmap.
READBMP currently supports only uncompressed .BMP files. If the image is a 24 or 32 bit bitmap, it is automatically read as an RGBIMAGE (i.e. 24 bits).
See READIMAGE to read BMP, GIF or JPEG image files.
READBMP.SPL is based on LOADBMP.M (Copyright 1993) written by:
Ralph Sucher
Dept. of Communications Engineering
Technical University of Vienna
Gusshausstrasse 25/389
A-1040 Vienna