DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > 3D and 4D Graphics > 3D and 4D Graphics
Removes shading from a window |
Display matrix as a contour plot |
Specify display attributes of contour plot |
Display matrix as a density plot |
Return a series of the color indices used in palette |
Set the color of 3D cross-hatching |
Grid XYZ data using the inverse distance method |
Set color palette for density plot |
Rotate a 3-D plot with the mouse |
Plot table in true 3-D perspective |
Rotate a 3-D plot |
Define ordered list of shading colors |
Set plotting method |
Select the range of shading colors |
Set RGB value for color index |
Grid XYZ data using spline interpolation |
Shade 3-D objects with another object |
Spin a 3-D plot |
Display table as a 3-D waterfall plot |
Change attributes of waterfall plot |
Create a 3D XYZ plot |