DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Statistics and Calculus > Statistics and Calculus
Convert an alpha confidence level to a standard deviation range |
Calculate Amplitude Distribution |
Calculate the total area of a series using Simpson’s rule |
N-point neighboring point averaging |
Calculate the generalized binomial coefficient |
N-point block average |
N-point block maximum |
N-point block median |
N-point block minimum |
N-point block RMS |
Calculate closed loop area |
Convert a confidence level (%) to a standard deviation range |
Number of samples in each column |
Maximum value in each column |
Mean value for each column |
Median value for each column |
Minimum value for each column |
Apply REDUCE function to each column |
Calculates the RMS for each column |
Standard deviation of each column |
Sum of each column |
Calculate the confidence level for a given density function and x value |
Calculates the integral of a series using the trapezoidal rule. |
Calculate derivative |
Calculate 2 point series difference |
Perform a derivative on XY data |
Return the minimum positive real value |
Add error bars to graph |
Exponential Moving Average |
Calculates the derivative of a series in the frequency domain |
Calculates the integral of a series in the frequency domain |
Generate normally distributed random series |
Calculate the 2D derivative of an array |
Generate binomial distributed random series |
Generate gamma distributed random series |
Generate uniformly distributed random series |
Generate Poisson distributed random series |
Calculate the frequency of values in a series |
Calculate the square root of the sum of squares |
Grids XYZ data using the inverse distance method |
Normalize series to percentage terms |
Return the numeric representation of positive infinity |
Calculates the integral of a series using Simpson’s rule. |
Interpolate XYZ data to arbitrary XY coordinates using the inverse distance method |
Return z value of the probability of X <= z for a normal distribution |
Return z value for input probability based on normal pdf |
Calculate the kurtosis of a series |
Calculate derivative from the left |
Return length of series |
Zero phase moving average |
Zero phase exponential moving average |
General Linear Least Squares Regression |
Determine linear regression |
Linear regression of two or more series |
Zero phase moving RMS |
Calculate max |
Calculate mean |
N-point median filtering on a series |
Calculate median |
N-point moving average |
N-point moving average with end point padding |
N-point moving maximum |
N-point moving median |
N-point moving minimum |
N-point moving RMS |
N-point moving standard deviation |
Return the unordered combinations of N items in groups of K |
Calculate Partial sum |
Calculate Pascal's Triangle |
Return the probability density function for a normal distribution |
Calculate Pearson's Linear Correlation Coefficient |
Estimate the percentile of a series |
Calculate the area of a regular polygon |
Find the roots of a polynomial in ascending powers |
Calculate the probability of X <= z for a normal distribution |
Calculate derivative from right |
Root Mean Square |
Find the roots of a polynomial in descending powers |
Length of each row |
Maximum of each row |
Mean of each row |
Minimum of each row |
Apply REDUCE function to each row of a matrix |
Standard deviation of each row |
Sum of each row |
Return length of series |
Grids XYZ data using spline interpolation |
Calculate the skewness of a series |
Performs two-dimensional cubic spline fitting |
Display statistics, STDEV and ERROR |
Calculate summary statistics for one or more series |
Calculate sample (population) standard deviation of a series |
Calculate the standard error of a series or table |
Calculate standard deviation of a series |
Generate Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix |
Solves for x in A *^ x = b using singular value decomposition |
Calculate the total area of a series using the trapezoidal rule |
Fit a line to a series |
Calculate x value for a given density function and confidence level |