DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Plot Attributes > Plot Attributes
Reset X axis label |
Reset Y axis label |
Reset Z axis label |
Return current plotstyle |
Return the plot type for a table of data |
Set grid color |
Turn grid to dashed |
Turn grid to dotted |
Set grid orientation horizontal |
Set grid orientation horizontal and/or vertically |
Turn grid off |
Turn grid to solid |
Set grid orientation vertical |
Sets the X and Y axis to log scales |
Sets types of scales |
Turn scales off |
Turn scales on |
Scroll display down |
Scroll display left |
Scroll display right |
Scroll display up |
Sets X axis to log, Y axis to linear scales |
Sets Y axis to log, X axis to linear scales |
Set the axis label orientation |
Set the axis label rotation |
Set the default rotation for axis labels |
Set the style of a axes grids |
Set horizontal (X) units |
Set line style |
Set thickness of line in graph |
Specify method to use when drawing plots |
Specify plot style |
Specify plot type |
Set the Y axis of a multi-trace stripchart |
Specify symbol to mark data points |
Set the symbol interval of a series |
Set the symbol start sample |
Set the symbol size of a series |
Set the tic label orientation |
Set the tic label rotation |
Sets the default rotation for tic labels |
Set vertical (Y) units |
Specify X axis coordinate range |
Sets the X axis autoscale coordinates |
Set the X axis, Y axis or Z axis label |
Turn on/off log scales for X axis of a window |
Set starting point of series |
Sets the X axis autoscale range and tics |
Set tic interval on X axis |
Copy attributes of one window to another |
Specify Y axis coordinate range |
Specify Y axis coordinate range |
Sets the Y axis autoscale coordinates |
Turn on/off log scales for Y axis of a window |
Y starting point of an array |
Sets the Y axis autoscale range and tics |
Set tic interval on Y axis |
Set the Z axis coordinate range of a window |
Sets the Z axis autoscale range and tics |
Set the tic spacing on the Z axis |
Set the height (Z) units |
Turn staggered scales on or off |
Create a multi-trace stripchart |
Set sync mode that controls scaling and scrolling |
Set attributes of a waterfall plot |
Return scale which matches the described property parameter |
Flip X scales direction |
Flip Y scales direction |
Set subtic labeling for log X axis |
Set subtic labeling for log Y axis |