Reads an external SPL file into the Worksheet.
SPLREAD("filename", overwrite)
"filename" |
- |
String. The filename of the SPL file. Function form. |
overwrite |
- |
SPLREAD filename
filename - The name of the external SPL file without quotes. Command form.
reads the testdata.spl file from the splfiles subdirectory.
splread splfile\tsestdata.spl
Same as above but expressed in the easier to type command form.
An SPL file is a simple ASCII text file you can create with any text editor. The file contains SPL functions which you can use in a Worksheet. Any errors detected during the read are written to an ASCII file, filename.err.
To automatically read in function files at start up time, include the filenames in the dadisp.spl file.
SPLREAD does not generate or read OPL files, see SPLLOAD.
The command form does not accept optional arguments.