Includes macro files in other macro files, and SPL files in other SPL files.
#INCLUDE filename
filename - A string identifying the filename including the path to the file.
In the dadisp.mac file:
#include macroscursor.mac
#include macrosmatrix.mac
reads the macros in the cursor.mac and matrix.mac files automatically upon startup.
If the macro file myfile.mac resides in the same directory as the DADiSP executable, the following statement in the dadisp.mac file reads the macros in myfile.mac automatically upon startup:
#include {gethome + "myfile.mac"}
To load SPL files automatically upon startup, include them in the dadisp.spl file:
#include myfuncs.spl
Macros are defined and saved with the Worksheet. Use MACWRITE to write macros to a file.