Specifies the z-axis coordinate range of a Window.
SETZ(win, zbottom, ztop)
win |
- |
Optional. Window reference. Defaults to the current Window. |
zbottom |
- |
A real. The bottom 3D axis boundary. |
ztop |
- |
A real. the top 3D axis boundary. |
W1: xyz(grand(10,1), grand(10, 1), grand(10, 1))
setz(-3.0, 3.0)
creates a 3D series and sets the Z axis range from –3.0 to 3.0.
setz(min(W1), max(W1))
sets the z-axis range from the minimum value of the series to the maximum value of the series.
W1: spline2(randn(5), 40);setplottype(4);hot;sethatch(0);gridhv
W2: W1;hot;setz(-1, 1);sethatch(0);gridhv
W1 contains a high density 3D surface.
W2 contains the same surface, but sets the Z plot range from -1 to 1. Values outside the Z range are not displayed.
See SETZTIC to set the tic spacing.
See SETZAUTO to specify the Z autoscale range.