DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Variables > REFWINDOW
Directly references a Window in an SPL function.
var |
- |
A variable that contains a Window. |
A window.
if (argc < 1)
// reference the current Window
w = refwindow(W0);
setx(w, 10, 20);
If the function setxrange is invoked without an input Window, the input defaults to the current Window. W0 refers to the current Window and the statement:
w = refwindow(W0)
sets variable w to the current Window. If the statement was:
w = W0;
then variable w would be assigned a copy of the series in W0 instead of the window itself. Since SETX expects an optional Window, the statement:
setx(w, 10, 20);
would fail.
As shown in the example, REFWINDOW is very useful for defaulting the input to an SPL function to the current Window.
REFWINDOW can be abbreviated as REFWIN.
See REFSERIES to reference a series in an SPL function without creating a copy.
See CASTWINDOW to convert a number or string into a Window.