References the series in the current Window. It is used only to overwrite the current series with a modified version of that series.
A series or table.
W1: 1..10;rev(current);extract(current,1,5)
Creates the series {10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5}.
W1: grand(1000,1);curr - mean(curr)
creates a uniformly random noise series with amplitude between –0.5 to 0.5 by removing the DC offset of original random series.
CURR is an abbreviation for CURRENT.
CURRENT allows you to process a series continuously in one Window without taking up Worksheet space. The disadvantage of using CURRENT is the previous series in the Window is usually overwritten.
CURRENT returns a copy of the current series. See REFSERIES to reference a series in an SPL function without creating a copy.
Because CURRENT always returns the current series, the expression:
is valid, but
setx(curr, 3, 4)
produces an error since SETX expects a Window argument. Use W0 to refer to the current Window. For example:
setx(W0, 3, 4)
A series can be saved from a Worksheet to a Dataset with the [F9] key, the menus, or the SAVESERIES function.