DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > ActiveX > Automation Server > PUTSERIES
Stores data to a Window or variable as a SafeArray to DADiSP’s ActiveX Automation Server.
[out] INT result = PutSeries( |
[in] BSTR "name", [in] SAFEARRAY(double) data) |
"name" |
- |
A string, the destination. Any valid Window or variable. |
data |
- |
A SafeArray, the data to store. |
An integer, 1 if successful.
Visual Basic Example:
Dim DADiSP as Object
Dim VBData(1000) as Double
Dim Result() as Double
’’’ Create VB data array
For i = 0 To 1000
VBData(i) = Rnd()
Next i
’’’ Connect to DADiSP
Set DADiSP = CreateObject("dadisp.application")
’’’ Create a 2 Window Worksheet without prompting
Call DADiSP.Execute("newworksheet(2, 0)")
’’’ Put VB array in W1
Call DADiSP.PutSeries("W1", VBData)
’’’ Label W1
Call DADiSP.Execute("label(W1, 'Data from Visual Basic')")
’’’ get integral of W1
Call DADiSP.GetSeries("integ(W1)", Result)
’’’ show it
DADiSP.Visible = 1
Starts DADiSP as an ActiveX Automation server, creates a 2 Window Worksheet and places 1001 random samples from Visual Basic into W1. The Window is labeled and the SafeArray Result is a 1001x1 array containing the integration of the random data..
PutSeries stores real data. See PUTCOMPLEXSERIES to store complex data.
PutSeries explicitly stores a SafeArray. See PUTDATA to store a variant data type.