DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > ActiveX > Automation Server > GETDATA
Retrieves data from a command, Window or variable as a variant from DADiSP’s ActiveX Automation Server.
[out] VARIANT result = GetData( |
[in] BSTR "command") |
"command" |
- |
A string, a command or Window or variable name. |
A variant, either a string, scalar or array.
Visual Basic Example:
Dim DADiSP as Object
Dim Result1 as Variant
Dim Result2 as Variant
’’’ Connect to DADiSP
Set DADiSP = CreateObject("dadisp.application")
’’’ Create a 2 Window Worksheet without prompting
Call DADiSP.Execute("newworksheet(2, 0)")
’’’ Generate random data in W1
Call DADiSP.Execute("W1: grand(1000, 1)")
’’’ get version
Result1 = DADiSP.GetData("version")
’’’ get integral of W1
Result2 = DADiSP.GetData("integ(W1)")
’’’ show it
DADiSP.Visible = 1
Starts DADiSP as an ActiveX Automation server, creates a 2 Window Worksheet and places 1000 random samples in W1. The variant Result1 is a string containing the current version number of DADiSP. The variant Result2 is an 1000x1 array containing the integration of the random data..
Any DADiSP command can be executed or the contents of any Window or variable can be retrieved.
GetData always returns a variant. The variant type is automatically determined by the data. See GETVARIANTDATA to return a variant of a specified type.
See GETSERIES to explicitly return a SafeArray.
See GETCHARARRAY to explicitly return a string.
See CASTVARIANTARRAY to return a series as an array of variants.