Defines a single line DADiSP function.
#DEFFUN name(arg1, arg2, ..., argn) statement
name - A string up to 15 characters long naming the function.
argn - Optional. Any argument being passed to the function.
statement - The body of the function. An equation or expression incorporating the function arguments.
#deffun normal(s) s/max(s)
defines a function which normalizes a series by its maximum value.
W1: {1,2,3,4,5}
returns the series {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}.
#deffun minmax max-min
defines a function minmax equal to the range of the data.
SPL function names are not case sensitive.
If a function does not accept arguments, the argument list is omitted. Multi-line functions must be specified in separate ASCII files.
You can use #DEFFUN to redefine existing functions. Functions are defined and saved with the Worksheet.
Use SPLWRITE to write functions to a file.
An SPL function normally resides in a text file with extension .SPL where the filename is the same as the function name. See the .SPL directory for examples.