DADiSP / Stats
Statistics Module
DADiSP/Stats is a menu-based module designed to perform a
variety of statistical tests and present statistical information
graphically. The DADiSP/Stats module computes statistical
measures, calculates probability values based on standard
distributions, displays summary reports and graphics, and performs
hypothesis tests on sample data.
Each menu option pops up a dialog box
that provides you with a description of the menu feature and
prompts for the location of your sample data. The results of the
statistical test are displayed automatically on the screen.
Key Features
- Simple User Interface
- Descriptive Statistics
- Column and Row Statistics
- One and Two Tailed T Tests
- Chi Square Tests for Multiple Categories
- F Tests
- Two Sample Comparison T Tests for Pooled Variances
- Two Sample Comparison T Tests for Unequal Variances
- One Way ANOVA
- Hypothesis Testing
- Multiple Regression
- Residual Plots
- Scatter Plots
- Histograms
- Box and Error Plots