MATLAB® Code Execution Module
MATLINK provides a simple interface for executing
MATLAB (1) code
directly from DADiSP. Any MATLAB function or script can be processed
just as if it were a native DADiSP function.
No need to rewrite code or manipulate temporary data files.
MATLINK combines the functionality of existing MATLAB programs with
the ease and power of the DADiSP Worksheet environment.
Series, arrays, scalars and strings are exchanged seamlessly.
Series and array results returned from MATLAB plot automatically in
DADiSP. MATLAB code embedded into a Worksheet Window formula is
hot linked and automatically re-executes when the Window updates.
Key Features
- Seamless Execution of MATLAB Code from DADiSP
- Runs Built-in and Custom MATLAB Functions or Scripts
- Avoid Code Rewrites, use any MATLAB Program as is
- Supports Expression Evaluation in Normal MATLAB Syntax
- Freely mix DADiSP Functions and MATLAB Code
- Automatic Visualization of Series and Array Results
- Bi-directional Exchange of Program Variables
- Handles both Real and Complex Data
- Supports Scalar and String Data Types
- Supports MATLAB Version 4.0 and Higher
(1) MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.