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DADiSP / ISO 2631 Functions

DADiSP/ISO 2631 includes several simple stand-alone functions to design, perform and evaluate ISO 2631, ISO 5349 and BS 6841 frequency weighting filters.

ISO 2631 Functions

filt2631 Process acceleration data with a specified frequency weighting filter
freq2631 Display a frequency weighting curve in the frequency domain
wbfcoef Generate Wb frequency weighting coefficients
wbfilt Process acceleration data with a Wb frequency weighting filter
wcfcoef Generate Wc frequency weighting coefficients
wcfilt Process acceleration data with a Wc frequency weighting filter
wdfcoef Generate Wd frequency weighting coefficients
wdfilt Process acceleration data with a Wd frequency weighting filter
wefcoef Generate We frequency weighting coefficients
wefilt Process acceleration data with a We frequency weighting filter
wffcoef Generate Wf frequency weighting coefficients
wffilt Process acceleration data with a Wf frequency weighting filter
wgfcoef Generate Wg frequency weighting coefficients
wgfilt Process acceleration data with a Wg frequency weighting filter
whfcoef Generate Wh frequency weighting coefficients
whfilt Process acceleration data with a Wh frequency weighting filter
wjfcoef Generate Wj frequency weighting coefficients
wjfilt Process acceleration data with a Wj frequency weighting filter
wkfcoef Generate Wk frequency weighting coefficients
wkfilt Process acceleration data with a Wk frequency weighting filter
wmfcoef Generate Wm frequency weighting coefficients
wmfilt Process acceleration data with a Wm frequency weighting filter

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