Advanced DSP Module
DADiSP/AdvDSP is a menu-driven, advanced signal processing module
that adds classical and parametric PSD estimation, linear
prediction, Zoom FFT, Chirp Z transform, digital interpolation and
cepstrum routines. Each routine is available through an easy to
use dialog box interface or simple command line functions. On-line
help and examples are also provided.
Classical PSD Estimation
Classical Power Spectrum Estimation techniques include the standard
FFT based PSD, the correlation method and the overlapped Welch
method of periodogram averaging. Both the segment length and
overlap size can be specified. In addition, coherence, cross-power
and transfer function estimates are supported.
Parametric PSD Estimation
Parametric estimation techniques include AR - Autoregressive all
pole models, MA - Moving Average all zero models, and ARMA,
generalized pole and zero models. The model coefficients are
computed from measured data and the coefficients can be used to
estimate the PSD as well as provide time domain linear prediction
Digital Interpolation
The effective sample rate of any waveform can be changed using a
variety of robust digital interpolation algorithms. Traditional
Sinx/x bandlimited interpolation as well as non-integer multiple
zero insertion routines are provided. Classical linear and cubic
spline interpolation functions are also included.
Advanced FFT Analysis
AdvDSP can compute a true N point FFT. If the series length
is less than the specified FFT size, the series is automatically
zero padded. If the FFT size is less than the series length, rather
than truncation, the series is time aliased resulting in a properly
decimated FFT. The Zoom FFT computes the FFT for a selected frequency
range and the Chirp Z transform computes the FFT about a generalized
Z plane contour.
Cepstrum Analysis
Both real and complex cepstrum computation is available. Cepstrum
analysis simplifies the task of echo identification and cancellation
for speech and audio applications.
DADiSP/AdvDSP requires
DADiSP 6.0 B14 or higher.
Contact us for information about updating your current
version of DADiSP.