Marks the minimum of a series with a symbol.
MARKMIN(series, color, symbol)
series |
- |
Optional. A series, defaults to the current Window. |
color |
- |
Optional. An integer, the color for the minimum marker. Defaults to LGREEN, 10. |
symbol |
- |
Optional. An integer, the symbol for the minimum marker. Defaults to UP_ARROW, 8. |
Nothing. Overplots the series with a symbol.
W1: gnorm(1000,.01);markmin;
creates 1000 samples of uniformly distributed random noise an marks the minimum with a light green up arrow.
W1: gnorm(1000,.01);markmin(BLUE, CIRCLE)
Same as above except the minimum is marked with a blue circle.
W1: randn(100,100);setplotstyle(2);markmin
creates a 100x100 image and marks the minimum.
If the series is XYZ or a table (i.e. PLOT3D, DENSITY or CONTOUR), MARKMIN overplots an XYZ series.