DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Series Processing Language (SPL) > ITERATE




Sets or clears the column iteration mode of an SPL function.


ITERATE("funname", mode)



A string. The name of the SPL function.



Optional. An integer, the column iteration mode.


clear column iteration


enable column iteration (default)


Nothing. Changes the column iteration mode of an SPL function.


Consider the following SPL routine:


    return(s / min(s));


a = {{1, 2, 3},

     {2, 4, 6}, 

     {3, 6, 9}} 


y1 = minscale(a);


y1 == {{1, 2, 3},

       {2, 4, 6}, 

       {3, 6, 9}} 


Since the input a is an array, the min function returns the minimum of the entire array. Thus the input array is divided by the value 1.


Now, if the SPL routine is converted to column iteration:


iterate("minscale", 1);

y1 = minscale(a);


y1 == {{1, 1, 1},

       {2, 2, 2}, 

       {3, 3, 3}} 



Because minscale is now automatically presented with one column at a time, each column of the input array is divided by the minimum of that column. This has the same effect as:


s / colmin(s) 


The iterate function converts an SPL routine to a column iterator function such that it operates on one column of an input array at a time. This behavior persists only for the duration of the current session. Use the ITERATE modifier in the function definition to make the behavior permanent. For example:


ITERATE minscale(s)
    return(s / min(s));


The ITERATE function or keyword makes it very easy to write a routine to handle each column of an array in the same manner without having to get bogged down in the details of multi-column operations. Simply write the function as if it will only receive a single column input and DADiSP will automatically apply the function to each column of the input array and accumulate the results.


ITERATE can also be specified in command mode. For example:


iterate minscale


enables column iteration for SPL function minscale. Because the command form does not accept optional arguments, the command form can only enable column iteration.


See ITEMPROCESS to extend window computations to overlays and overplots.

See Also: