DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Debugging > DEBUG
Invokes the SPL debugger.
DEBUG splname
Nothing, the SPL debugger is activated.
Consider the following debugger session:
debug roots
This invokes the SPL Debugger and sets a breakpoint in the ROOTS function. The Command Line will display a red prompt background to indicate debug mode.
Since the roots function is called, the debugger will display the source code and pause at the first executable line. Use the GUI interface to step through code, set breakpoints and evaluate expressions. Click on any variable to display its value.
Because a breakpoint has been set in the roots function, the debugger will pause whenever roots is called. For example, invoking the RESIDUEZ function through the pull down menus:
Analysis->Signal Processing->Partial Fraction Expansion
causes the debugger to stop in roots because residuez calls roots.
Use the appropriate debugger buttons to step through and into SPL functions, move up and down the stack and show the function call sequence.
debug can also be invoked as db.
Use the debugger command prompt to examine global and local variables by entering the variable to examine or simply click on any variable to view its current value in the output display area.
Press the Breakpoints button or use the debug or db function to set additional break points in SPL routines and to set a break point at a specific line number. Clicking the left mouse button in the left margin of a line also sets a new breakpoint or clears an existing breakpoint.