DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Fourier Transforms and Signal Processing > CHEBWIN
Multiplies a series with a
CHEBWIN(series, ampflag, attn)
series |
- |
A series or array. |
ampflag |
- |
Optional. An integer, the amplitude correction flag:
attn |
- |
Optional. A real, the sidelobe attenuation from the mainlobe in dB. Defaults to |
CHEBWIN(N, ampflag, attn)
N |
- |
An integer, the window length. |
ampflag |
- |
Optional. An integer, the amplitude correction flag:
attn |
- |
Optional. A real, the sidelobe attenuation from the mainlobe in dB. Defaults to |
A series.
W1: gsin(1000, 0.001, 45)
W2: chebwin(w1)
W1 contains a 1000 point sinewave with a frequency of 45 Hz. W2 multiplies the sinewave with a
W1: gsin(1000, 0.001, 45)
W2: chebwin(w1, 0, -65)
Same as the first example except the sidelobe attenuation is
W1: chebwin(100, 0, -60)
W2: magspec(w1, 8192);20*log10(curr/max(curr));
W1 Creates a 100 point Dolph-Chebyshev window where the sidelobe attenuation is
The frequency response of an Nth order
The time domain response is determined by computing the inverse Fourier transform and scaling the result to a unitary maximum.
Because the Dolph-Chebyshev window yields equiripple constant magnitude sidelobes, impulses may result at the end points of the time domain response.
Use GCHEBWIN to generate an N point
gchebwin(100, 1/100, -60)
creates a 100 point
See TAYLORWIN to multiply a series with a Taylor window.