DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > XY Functions > XYDTTAB
Creates a table of multiple XY series from date, time and Y series.
XYDTTAB(data, date, time, collist, interval)
data |
- |
A table or series of Y values. |
date |
Optional. A series or integer. A series of date values or the column number in data containing the date values. Defaults to the first column in data. |
time |
- |
Optional. A series or integer. A series of time values or the column number in data containing the time values. Defaults to the second column in data. |
collist |
- |
Optional. A series or column number from data to use as the Y values. Defaults to all the columns except the date and time column. |
interval |
- |
Optional. A real specifying the interpolation interval.
A table of one or more XY series or interpolated interval series.
W1: julstr(getdate)..julstr(getdate)+9;setvunits("Daily")
W2: todstr(gettime)..todstr(gettime)+9;setvunits("Time")
W3: randn(10, 3);setvunits("V", -1)
W4: ravel(W1, W2, W3)
W5: xydttab(w4)
W6: getitem(W5, 2)
W1 contains a series of 10 Julian dates starting from the current date.
W2 contains a series of 10 time values starting from the current time.
W3 contains 3 columns of random values where each column contains 10 samples. The units for each column is set to "Volts".
W4 combines W1, W2 and W3 to yield a 5 column table.
W5 converts the table in W4 to a table of XY series where the first column is the date values, the second column is the time values and the remaining columns are the Y values. The resulting table contains 3 XY plots (a total of 6 columns).
W6 returns the second XY plot from W5.
W1: julstr(getdate)..julstr(getdate)+9;setvunits("Daily")
W2: todstr(gettime)..todstr(gettime)+9;setvunits("Time")
W3: randn(10, 3);setvunits("V", -1)
W4: ravel(W1, W2, W3)
W5: stripchart(xydttab(w4))
Same as above except W5 displays the three XY plots as a single STRIPCHART.
W1: julstr(getdate)..julstr(getdate)+9;setvunits("Daily")
W2: todstr(gettime)..todstr(gettime)+9;setvunits("Time")
W3: randn(10, 3);setvunits("V", -1)
W4: ravel(W1, W2, W3)
W5: stripchart(xydttab(w4, 1, 2, 43200.0))
W1 contains a series of 10 Julian dates starting from the current date.
W2 contains a series of 10 time values starting from the current time.
W3 contains 3 columns of random values where each column contains 10 samples. The units for each column is set to "Volts".
W4 combines W1, W2 and W3 to yield a 5 column table.
W5 converts the table in W4 to a table of regularly sampled interval series with a DELTAX of 42300 seconds (1/2 day). The resulting table contains 3 interval series (a total of 3 columns) and the result is plotted as a STRIPCHART.
XYDTTAB creates a table of XY plots from a table where typically one column is the date data, another column is the time data and the remaining columns are the Y data. By default, the first column of the input table is considered the date values, the second column is considered the time values and the remaining columns are the Y values.
See XYINTERP for a discussion of interval series and XY interpolation.
Use GETITEM to extract a specific XY plot from the result.
See XYTAB to create a table of XY plots from X and Y data.
To configure the X Axis to display both date and time values, use:
SETCONFIG("dt_scales_format", 1)