Writes a series to a file in binary format, without a file header (as created by the EXPORT routine).
WRITEB("filename", filetype, overwrite, byteswap, series)
"filename" |
- |
A string. The name of the binary file to write. If no path is given, WRITEB writes the file in the current working directory. |
filetype |
- |
An integer, the binary format type of the data file to store described by either its name or integer code. Valid arguments are: |
Name |
Code |
Data Type |
Range |
1 |
8-bit Signed Byte |
-128 to +127 |
2 |
8-bit Unsigned Byte |
0 to 255 |
3 |
16-bit (2-byte) Signed Integer |
-32768 to +32767 |
4 |
16-bit (2-byte) Unsigned Integer |
0 to 65535 |
5 |
32-bit (4-byte) Signed Integer |
-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 |
6 |
32-bit (4-byte) Floating Point |
-1037 to +1038 |
7 |
64-bit (8-byte) Floating Point |
-10-307 to +10308 |
8 |
32-bit (4-byte) Unsigned Integer |
0 to 4,294,967,295 |
INT64 |
9 |
64-bit (8-byte) Signed Integer |
-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |
UINT64 |
10 |
64-bit (8-byte) Unsigned Integer |
0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 |
1000 + N |
N-byte Signed Integer |
-28N-1 to 28N-1-1 |
2000 + N |
N-byte Unsigned Integer |
0 to 28N-1 |
overwrite |
- |
Optional. An integer, the overwrite mode:
byteswap |
- |
Optional. An integer. Swap the order of the bytes read.
series |
- |
Optional. A series, the source data. Defaults to the current Window. |
writeb("test.bin", INT16, {1, 2, 3, 4})
W1: readb("test.bin", INT16)
returns the series {1, 2, 3, 4}.
writeb("test.bin", SINT, {1, 2, 3, 4})
W1: readb("test.bin", SINT)
returns the series {1, 2, 3, 4}.
writeb("TEST.DAT", INT8, 2, W4)
appends the contents of Window 4 to a binary file named TEST.DAT in a signed-byte format. If using READB to bring the file back into a Worksheet, be sure to use the same binary format, i.e. in this case, INT8.
sine3 = int(100 * gsin(100, 1/100, 2));
writeb("sine3.dat", 1003, sine3);
W1: readb("sine3.dat", 1003)
W1 contains 100 samples of a sinewave saved as 3 byte signed integers. The special filetype value of 1000 + N specifies an N byte signed integer value.
WRITEB exports data to a file, although it does not export a header with series information like the EXPORT Utilities. To minimize disk space, the filetype should be chosen to fit the magnitude and precision of the data.
WRITEB also supports N byte integer format to read signed or unsigned multiple bytes as integer values. A filetype value of 1000 + N specifies N byte signed integer values and 2000 + N specifies N byte unsigned integer values. For example:
implies a 3 byte signed integer values.
implies a 5 byte unsigned integer values.
Use READB to read a binary file.