Creates a Window name that can be used as an alternative to the Window number.
WINNAME(win, "name")
win |
- |
Optional. A Window. Defaults to the current Window. |
"name" |
- |
A string. The Window name. |
winname(W1, "Pressure")
fft(Pressure) is now equivalent to fft(W1).
If new data is put into the Window, the Window name remains the same. To reset the Window name, use an empty string:
winname(W1, "") or winname(w1).
Window are displayed with the original case but are referenced case insensitive. Thus, fft(Pressure) and fft(pressure) are equivalent.
See GETWINNAME to return a string that contains the symbolic or numeric name of a Window.
See SHOWWINNAME to display or hide all Window names in the Worksheet.