Edits the properties of a toolbar.
toolbar, button, method, fg, bg, actionkey, insert, redraw, "label", "command", "message") |
toolbar |
- |
An integer, the target toolbar:
button |
- |
An integer, the location, counted from left, starting from 1. Set to |
method |
- |
An integer, the the method for rendering the buttons on the screen:
fg |
- |
Optional. An integer, the foreground color. Color mapping varies, depending on method. Set to -1 to specify the default. |
bg |
- |
Optional. An integer, the background color. Color mapping varies, depending on method. Set to -1 to specify the default. |
actionkey |
- |
Optional. An integer. Returns a single character code to the application. Keys are integer key codes, based on ASCII. Non-ASCII keys are private to the application. Action keys are used internally in the application and are mentioned here for completeness, but "command" strings (below) are the preferred method of customization. |
insert |
- |
Optional. An integer, the new button insertion mode for the location specified by button.
redraw |
- |
Optional. An integer, the button redraw mode.
"label" |
- |
A string to label the button under the WRITTEN rendering method. For BIT MAPPED (method 1), this is the path to a loadable bitmap file. |
"command" |
- |
A string. This is the action taken when the button is pressed. Valid strings include any commands that can be executed in the current state of the application. |
"message" |
- |
Optional. A string. This help message is displayed on the status line when the mouse is held over the button. Defaults to the button label. |
toolbar(1, -1, 4, LRED, " Noise ", "gnorm(1000,1)")
Adds a button called "Noise", to the end of the main Worksheet toolbar. When pressed, the button creates a 1000 point random noise series in the current Window.
toolbar(1, -1, 8)
removes the button.
Add a button called "Stats", to the main worksheet toolbar, which pops up the "Summary Statistics" menu:
toolbar(1, 8, 4, RED, " Stats", '_MF("statsum.men")')
Likewise, you can convert the "style" button to a menu of choices:
toolbar(1,5,2, " ", '_MF("gviews.men")')
toolbar(1, -1, 1, gethome + "data\charts.png", "grand(7, 1);bars;bargap(0);rainbow", "Bars")
Adds a bitmap button to the end of the main Worksheet toolbar. When pressed, the button creates a 7 point bar chart in the current Window.
"Command", if present, overrides actionkey. An empty command string