DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > String Manipulation > STRMATCH
Returns the indices of a search string that contains a pattern string.
"pattern", "srchstr", "delimit", caseflag, exactflag, substrflag) |
"pattern" |
- |
A string. The pattern string to search for. |
"srchstr" |
- |
A string. The search string to search in. |
"delimit" |
- |
Optional. A string specifying the characters used to separate srchstr into individual substrings. Defaults to no character. |
caseflag |
- |
Optional. An integer, the case sensitivity flag.
exactflag |
- |
Optional. An integer, the substring must match the number of characters in the pattern exactly. Only valid if a delimiter string is specified.
substrflag |
- |
Optional. An integer, return the substring index instead of the character index. Only valid if a delimiter string is specified.
A series, the indices of srchstr that contain pattern.
strmatch("abb", "abbababba")
returns {1, 6} indicating the pattern "abb" is located at index 1 and 6 of "abbababba".
strmatch("AAA", "baaAAAab")
returns {2, 3, 4, 5} since the case insensitive pattern "AAA" is located at indices 2 through 5 of "baaAAAab".
strmatch("AAA", "baaAAAab", 1)
returns {4} since the case sensitive pattern "AAA" is located only at index 4.
strmatch("xxx", "baaAAAab")
returns {}, an empty series since "xxx" is not located in the search string.
strmatch("xXx", "bxxx;xXxx;xXx;xxx;xx", ";", 0, 0)
returns {6, 11, 15}, since "xXx" is located at indices 6, 11 and 15 where each substring is separated by the ";" character. A match occurs only if the first three characters of a substring matches "xXx" independent of case. Only one match per substring is returned.
strmatch("xXx", "bxxx;xXxx;xXx;xxx;xx", ";", 1, 0)
returns {6, 11}, since "xXx" is located at indices 6 and 11 where each substring is separated by the ";" character. A match occurs only if the first three characters of a substring matches "xXx" with the same case. Only one match per substring is returned.
strmatch("xXx", "bxxx;xXxx;xXx;xxx;xx", ";", 0, 1)
returns {11, 15}, since "xXx" is located at indices 11 and 15 where each substring is separated by the ";" character. A match occurs only if the substring contains exactly three characters and matches "xXx" independent of case. Only one match per substring is returned.
strmatch("xXx", "bxxx;xXxx;xXx;xxx;xx", ";", 1, 1)
returns {11}, since "xXx" is located at index 11 where each substring is separated by the ";" character. A match occurs only if the substring contains exactly three characters and matches "xXx" with the same case. Only one match per substring is returned.
strmatch("xXx", "bxxx;xXxx;xXx;xxx;xx", ";", 0, 1, 1)
returns {3, 4}, since "xXx" is found in the third and fourth substrings where each substring is separated by the ";" character. A match is case insensitive. Only one match per substring is returned.
strmatch("xXx", "bxxx;xXxx;xXx;xxx;xx", ";", 1, 1, 1)
returns {3}, since "xXx" is found in the third substring where each substring is separated by the ";" character. A match is case sensitive. Only one match per substring is returned.
If no match is found, an empty series is returned.
The "delimit" string can contain more than one delimiter characters to mark a substring within the search string.
Use STRGET to return the nth substring. For example:
teststr = "bxxx;xXxx;xXx;xxx;xx";
subnum = strmatch("xXx", teststr, ";", 1, 1, 1);
substr = strget(subnum[1], teststr, ";")
subnum == {3}
substr == "xXx"