Locale's abbreviated weekday name.
Locale's full weekday name.
Locale's abbreviated month name.
Locale's full month name.
Locale's appropriate date and time representation.
Day of month as a decimal number (01-31).
Date in the format mm/dd/yy.
Locale's abbreviated month name.
Hour (24 hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23).
Hour (12 hour clock) as a decimal number (00-12).
Day of the year as a decimal number (001-366).
Month as a decimal number (01-12).
Minute as a decimal number (00-59).
Newline character.
Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
12 hour clock time (01-12) using AM/PM notation in the format HH:MM:SS (AM/PM).
Seconds as a decimal number (00-59).
Tab character.
24 hour clock time in the format HH:MM:SS.
Week number of the year as a decimal number (00-52) where Sunday is the first day of the week.
Weekday as a decimal number (0-6) where 0 is Sunday.
Week number of the year as decimal number (00-52) where Monday is the first day of the week.
Locale's appropriate date representation.
Locale's appropriate time representation.
Year without century as a decimal number (00-99).
Year with century as a decimal number.
Timezone name or no characters if no timezone.
The % character.