DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Window Sizing & Layout > SETWMARGIN
Sets the plotting margin for a given Window of a Worksheet.
SETWMARGIN(win, margin, size)
win |
- |
Optional. A Window, defaults to the current Window. |
margin |
- |
Optional. An integer, the margin to set:
size |
- |
A real, the margin width or height. size is specified in terms of percent of the plotting margin of a Window and ranges from 0.0 (no margin) to 100.0 (full margin or no plotting area). If size is negative, the margin is sized automatically. |
setwmargin(W3, 2, 10.0)
sets the right side plotting margin of each Window to 10% of the plotting area.
See SETWSX and SETWSY to adjust the location and margins of the entire Worksheet.