DADiSP Worksheet Functions > S - Z > SETSTRIPCHARTDIR
Sets the stack direction for the traces of a stripchart plot.
win |
- |
Optional. A Window. Defaults to the current Window. |
dir |
- |
An integer, the stack direction:
W1: gnorm(100, 1)
W2: gnorm(100,1);overlay(W1)
setplottype(W2, 7);setstripchartdir(W2, 1)
W2 contains a stripchart with two series. The stacking order is top-down such that the first series appears at the top of the chart.
See STRIPCHART or SETPLOTTYPE to create a stripchart plot.
The stripchart stacking direction of all Windows can be set with the STRIPCHARTDIR parameter. For example,
setconf("stripchartdir", "0")
Sets the default stacking direction to bottom-up all new Windows.