Loads Series1...SeriesN from a Dataset into a list of Windows.
LOADSERIES(W1, ..., WN, "ser1", ..., "serN", overwrite, onewin, usecolor)
- |
Optional. A window list, the list of target Windows to load the series into. Defaults to the current window. |
- |
One or more strings. A list of series to load. |
overwrite |
- |
Optional. An integer, the overwrite existing Window series flag.
onewin |
- |
Optional. An integer, the flag to load the series into the current Window or to load each series into consecutive Windows.
usecolor |
- |
Optional. An integer, the color flag.
loads the series MYSERIES.1.SERIES into the current Window.
loadseries(W1, W4, W5, "D.1.S1", "D.1.S2", "D.1.S3")
loads D.1.S1, D.1.S2, and D.1.S3 into W1, W4, and W5 respectively.
loads the series in W2 through W5 and automatically overwrites the previous series in the Windows if they exist.
The specified series name is case sensitive.
If a specified Window already contains a series, LOADSERIES by default prompts the user for overwrite permission. LOADSERIES also accepts an optional overwrite flag to automatically overwrite existing series in a Window without prompting.
If a version number is not specified in the Dataset name, the series from the last available version for the Dataset is loaded. A version number of –3 also implies last version.
A version number of 0 implies load the series from the first available version of the Dataset.
See LOADDATASET to load all the series in a Dataset into one or more windows.