DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Macro and Command File Functions > ; (SEMICOLON)
Combines several functions, commands, or macros on a single line for execution as a whole. This command form may be used at the command line or within a macro.
<formula1> ; <formula2>;<formulaN>
<formulaN> |
- |
Any valid formula, a command, function or macro. The following are examples of valid formula types:
W1: gsin(100,.01)
W2: W1*W1;overplot(W1,lred)
Window 2 contains the square of W1 and the original data is also overplotted in light red. Any changes to Window 1 cause a re-evaluation of Window 2.
W1: gnorm(10,1);
W2: spline(W1,3);overp(W1,lred);setsym(4);setsym(14,2)
Window 2 performs a cubic spline interpolation of the data in W1. The original data is overplotted onto the resulting interpolation. The interpolated data displays cross (4) symbols and the original data is plotted in light red with circles (14) as symbols.
The semicolon (;) is used as an expression separator.
Semicolons are required to terminate expressions in SPL routines.