DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Macro and Command File Functions > DEFMACRO




Creates or defines a macro.


DEFMACRO("name", expr, quotes)



A string. The name of the macro, with optional arguments.



Macro body. A string or any expression evaluating to a scalar.



Optional. An integer flag for the type of quote characters to be used for the macro body. If not specified, no quotes are used and a status message is displayed.


The macro body is evaluated and used as is. The macro definition will be silent, i.e. status message is suppressed.


Put single quotes around the macro body and cause the macro definition to be silent.


Put double quotes around the macro body and cause the macro definition to be silent.


W1: 0..9

defmacro("m1", mean(W1))


creates a macro M1 containing the present mean value of W1, namely 4.5.


This construct is identical to:


#define m1 4.5


Because M1 is essentially a constant, M1 will not change if the data in W1 changes.


To create a similar macro where the value changes if W1 changes, use:


defmacro("m2", "mean(w1)")


This construct is identical to:


#define m2 mean(W1)


Now M2 returns the mean value of W1 and the value will change if the data in W1 changes.


To create a macro with arguments, the argument list must be included in the macro name, as in:




W1: 0..9

W2: {1, 4, 7}

W3: mymac(2, 4, W1, W2)


W3 contains the series {27, 30, 33}.



defmacro("d1", getdate, 3)


returns the string "6-21-2013" if today's date is June 21, 2013.


defmacro("d1", getdate)


returns the integer -2028 if today's date is June 21, 2013. Unlike the previous example, since quotes are not used to enquote the result of evaluating getdate, we have the equivalent of:


#define d1 6-21-2013




d1 == 6-21-2013 == -2028


DEFMACRO provides a method to create and store constants derived in a Worksheet. Macros are fully expanded before the statements are evaluated.


DEFMACRO always evaluates expr before assigning the result to the macro name. If a quote option is specified, the result of expr will be enclosed in quotes before assigning to the macro name.


If you redefine a macro and use it within the same statement, you must EVAL the macro before using it. For example: defmacro("x", 2); eval('x') + W1. Quotes determine how the macro is defined and interpreted, and what is returned after it is evaluated.


See SETVARIABLE to assign a variable.


DEFMACRO or #DEFINE is extremely useful for short, algorithmic abbreviations or constants. Use SPL to create more sophisticated functions or procedures.


The maximum length of a macro name is 63 characters.

See Also: