DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Operating System Interface > COMMAND LINE FLAGS




Sets run-time options specified on the OS command line.


DADiSP supports a number of command line flags invoked on startup to control the initial behavior. A command line flag begins with a leading - or / character followed by an optional = to specify arguments. For example, if the name of the DADiSP executable is dadispnt.exe, then


dadispnt -d=2


sets the initial display size to maximized.


Multiple command line flags may be specified.



Display Options


Options that determine the initial display mode.











Running DADiSP in hidden mode (-d=0) is useful when using DADiSP as an analysis engine in conjunction with another program.



Data Options


Options that determine the initial Labbook and Worksheet.



open a specific Labbook


open a specific Worksheet


If labbookpath or worksheetname contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotes. For example:


dadispnt -w="C:\Documents and Settings\users\My Documents\MyWork.dwk"


If worksheetname does not refer to a DWK and labbookpath is not specified, the Worksheet must reside in the current Labbook.


Command File and SPL Options


Options that specify loading of SPL functions.



load and run a command file


load and run an SPL function


load and run an SPL function with the display hidden and exit upon completion


For example:


dadispnt -c=demo.dsp


loads and runs the DADiSP demo script.


A command line SPL function can accept arguments. For example, consider the following SPL function named ctest.spl:


// ctest.spl
ctest(n, m)
    if (argc < 2)
        if (argc < 1) n = 2;
        m = n;
    newworksheet(2, 0);
    eval(sprintf("W2 := randn(%d, %d)", n, m));




dadispnt -s=ctest


creates a 2 window worksheet, sets the formula of W2 to randn(2, 2) causing W2 to contain a 2x2 array of random values.


dadispnt -s=ctest(10)


creates a 2 window worksheet, sets the formula of W2 to randn(10, 10) causing W2 to contain a 10x10 array of random values.


If multiple arguments are specified, enclose splname in quotes. For example:


dadispnt -s="ctest(10, 5)"


same as above except the formula of W2 is randn(10, 5) and contains a 10x5 random array.


Single and double quotes can be used for string arguments. For example:



// ctest2.spl
ctest2(n, title)
    if (argc < 2)
        if (argc < 1) n = 2;
        title = "Test";
    newworksheet(2, 0);
    eval(sprintf("W2 := randn(%d)", n));
    label(W2, title);




dadispnt -s=ctest2(10)


creates a 2 window worksheet, sets the formula of W2 to randn(10) causing W2 to contain a 10x10 array of random values. W2 is labeled with the text Test.


dadispnt -s="ctest2(10, 'My Label')"


same as above except W2 is labeled with the text My Label.



ActiveX Options


Options that specify ActiveX capabilities.



run as automation server


run as embedded server


register as an ActiveX server


unregister as an ActiveX server


The -a and -e options are specified together when embedding DADiSP into another application.



Configuration Options


Options that specify configuration settings.



load a session specific configuration file


The standard configuration file named dadisp.cnf is loaded first, then any runtime settings are loaded from the session file and finally the settings specified in the command line configuration file are loaded. In this way, the command line settings can override the initial base and runtime settings.



Miscellaneous Options


Additional  options.



display password request dialog if password required


display version information and exit



Alphabetical Listing


A summary of all command line flags listed in alphabetical order.



run as ActiveX automation server


load and run a command file


load a session specific configuration file


display hidden


display normal


display maximized


display iconic


run as embedded ActiveX server


open a specific Labbook


display password request dialog if necessary


register as an ActiveX server


load and run an SPL function


unregister as an ActiveX server


display version information and exit


open a specific Worksheet


load and run an SPL function with the display hidden and exit upon completion