DADiSP Worksheet Functions > Function Categories > Operating System Interface > COMMAND LINE FLAGS
Sets run-time options specified on the OS command line.
DADiSP supports a number of command line flags invoked on startup to control the initial behavior. A command line flag begins with a leading - or / character followed by an optional = to specify arguments. For example, if the name of the DADiSP executable is dadispnt.exe, then
dadispnt -d=2
sets the initial display size to maximized.
Multiple command line flags may be specified.
Options that determine the initial display mode.
-d=0 |
hidden |
-d=1 |
normal |
-d=2 |
maximized |
-d=3 |
iconic |
Running DADiSP in hidden mode (-d=0) is useful when using DADiSP as an analysis engine in conjunction with another program.
Options that determine the initial Labbook and Worksheet.
-l=labbookpath |
open a specific Labbook |
open a specific Worksheet |
If labbookpath or worksheetname contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotes. For example:
dadispnt -w="C:\Documents and Settings\users\My Documents\MyWork.dwk"
If worksheetname does not refer to a DWK and labbookpath is not specified, the Worksheet must reside in the current Labbook.
Options that specify loading of SPL functions.
load and run a command file |
load and run an SPL function |
-x=splname |
load and run an SPL function with the display hidden and exit upon completion |
For example:
dadispnt -c=demo.dsp
loads and runs the DADiSP demo script.
A command line SPL function can accept arguments. For example, consider the following SPL function named ctest.spl:
dadispnt -s=ctest
creates a 2 window worksheet, sets the formula of W2 to
dadispnt -s=ctest(10)
creates a 2 window worksheet, sets the formula of W2 to
-a |
run as automation server |
-e |
run as embedded server |
-register |
register as an ActiveX server |
-unregister |
unregister as an ActiveX server |
load a session specific configuration file |
-password |
display password request dialog if password required |
-version |
display version information and exit |
-a |
run as ActiveX automation server |
-c=comfilename |
load and run a command file |
-cnf=configfile |
load a session specific configuration file |
-d=0 |
display hidden |
-d=1 |
display normal |
-d=2 |
display maximized |
-d=3 |
display iconic |
-e |
run as embedded ActiveX server |
-l=labbookpath |
open a specific Labbook |
-password |
display password request dialog if necessary |
-register |
register as an ActiveX server |
-s=splname |
load and run an SPL function |
-unregister |
unregister as an ActiveX server |
-version |
display version information and exit |
open a specific Worksheet |
-x=splname |
load and run an SPL function with the display hidden and exit upon completion |