DADiSP 6.7 B02 Release Notes
Build 01 - Initial Release Date October 29, 2015
DADiSP 6.7 Build 01 is an upgrade of DADiSP 6.5.
Build 01 Specific Changes
Below is a list of changes and improvements specific to DADiSP 6.7 B01:
New Features and Functions
64 Bit Processing
DADiSP 6.7 B01 Win64 is a true 64-bit application. Although individual
series are limited to a maximum length of 2 giga-samples, DADiSP 6.7 B01
Win64 has full access to all system resources. On 64-bit systems with a
large amount of on-board RAM, setting a large series buffer with
allows a long series to remain resident in fast RAM, resulting in faster processing
of big data.
On 32-bit systems, DADiSP 6.7 B01 Win32 is now
Large Address Aware,
providing access up to 4 GB of on-board RAM.
New ProPac Math Accelerator Module
The new
DADiSP/ProPac Module combines the
VectorXL module
with the
MatrixXL modules to provide a single, optimized
numeric processing engine. Together, all three modules deliver
accelerated vector math, FFT and matrix computations by using the
Math Kernel Library from Intel. Speed improvements of 20% up to a
factor of 50x are common.
Data Processing
- BLOCKMAX computes the non-overlapping block maximum of a series.
- BLOCKMEDIAN computes the non-overlapping block median of a series.
- BLOCKMIN computes the non-overlapping block minimum of a series.
- BLOCKRMS computes the non-overlapping block RMS of a series.
- CUMAVG computes the cumulative average of a series.
- DIFF computes the 2 point difference of a series.
- MOVMEDIAN computes the N-point moving median of a series.
- REPCOLUMN replicates the columns of a series.
- REPELEMENTS replicates individual elements of a series.
- SEREXTRACT extracts multiple sections from a series.
- VAVGS computes the point by point mean of one or more input arguments without zero padding.
- VMEAN computes the mean of one or more input arguments.
- VSUM computes the sum of one or more input arguments.
- VSUM computes the point by point sum of one or more input arguments without zero padding.
- XMINMAX returns the minimum and maximum of a series X values without copying or data generation.
- XYDTTAB creates a table of multiple XY series from date, time and Y series.
- XYTAB creates a table of multiple XY series from a table.
Data Generation
- GVALARRAY generates an array of all the same real value.
- GSAWTOOTH generates a sawtooth series.
Signal Processing
- ADDPHASE adds a constant phase to a series.
- CAS2SOS converts cascade form filter coefficients to second order section form.
- CAS2TF converts cascade form filter coefficients to direct form.
- CAS2ZP converts cascade form filter coefficients to zeros, poles and gain.
- DEMODAM demodulates an amplitude modulated series.
- IMPS computes the impulse response of a continuous system.
- MEDFILT1 performs median filtering of a series.
- MODAM performs amplitude modulation of a series.
- PHASEDIFF computes the phase difference between two sinusoids.
- SGOLAY generates Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter coefficients.
- SGOLAYFILT filters data with a Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter.
- SOS2CAS converts second order section form coefficients to cascade form.
- SOS2TF converts second order section form coefficients to direct form.
- SOS2ZP converts second order section form coefficients to zero, poles and gain.
- SOSFILT filters a series with coefficients in second order section form.
- SPLANE displays a Pole-Zero plot of a S-transform.
- STEPZ computes the step response of a Z-transform.
- TF2CAS converts direct form coefficients to cascade form.
- TF2SOS converts direct form coefficients to second order section form.
- TF2ZP converts S plane transfer function form to zeros, poles and gain.
- TF2ZPK converts Z plane transfer function form to zeros, poles and gain.
- ZBPFILT performs band pass filtering by FFT zeroing.
- ZBSFILT performs band stop filtering by FFT zeroing.
- ZP2CAS converts zeros, poles and gain to cascade coefficient form.
- ZP2SOS converts zeros, poles and gain to second order section form.
- ZP2TF converts zeros, poles and gain to transfer function form.
- BINCOEFF calculates the generalized binomial coefficient.
- COLRMS calculates the RMS for each column of an array.
- NCHOOSEK returns the unordered combinations of N elements in groups of K.
- PASCAL returns Pascal's Triangle.
- STATSUM computes summary statistics for one or more series.
Cursor Functions
- CUREXTRACT extracts one or more series from a source window based on cursor indices.
- CURLOCSET sets cursor X locations of one or more windows based on a source window.
- CURPOSSET sets cursor index positions of one or more windows based on a source window.
- CURXEXTRACT extracts one or more series from a source window based on cursor X locations.
Special Functions
- BETAINCINV computes the inverse regularized incomplete beta function.
- COSINT computes the cosine integral.
- DAWSON computes the Dawson integral.
- EXPINTEI computes the Cauchy principal value exponential integral.
- ERFCX computes the scaled complementary error function.
- ERFI computes the imaginary error function.
- FACTORIAL computes the factorial for positive integers.
- FADDEEVA computes the Faddeeva function.
- GAMMAINCINV computes the inverse regularized incomplete gamma function.
- HANKEL generates a Hankel matrix.
- SININT computes the sine integral.
- TOEPLITZ generates a Toeplitz matrix.
- VANDER generates a Vandermonde matrix.
- CLEARSHADING removes shading from a list of windows.
- COLORTORGB converts a color index into RGB values.
- GETCOLOR returns the color of a series.
- RGBTOCOLOR converts RGB values into a color index.
- SETCOLORBARLABEL sets the label for a COLORBAR.
- COMLABEL title an Window with the series comment.
- COMXLABEL labels the X axis with the X series comment and units.
- COMXYLABEL labels the X and Y axis with the X and Y series comment and units.
- COMYLABEL labels the Y axis with the series comment and units.
- SERXLABEL labels the X axis with the series name and units.
- SERYLABEL labels the Y axis with the series name and units.
- New |^ operator performs bitwise exclusive or.
- The __FILE__,
__FUNC__ and
macros return the filename, function name and line number of the current
SPL routine.
- GETCOMPUTER returns the computer, CPU or OS type.
- GETITEM returns a single item from a window.
- ISWINEMPTY returns 1 if a Window does not contain a series.
- LOGLOG sets the X and Y axis to log scales for one or more windows.
- SEMILOGX sets the X axis to log scales and the Y axis to linear scales for one or more windows.
- SEMILOGY sets the Y axis to log scales and the X axis to linear scales for one or more windows.
- SETXRANGE sets the X axis plotting and autoscale range such that the first and last tics are labeled.
- SETYRANGE sets the Y axis plotting and autoscale range such that the first and last tics are labeled.
- UNIXDT converts a series of UNIX time values to date/time values.
- WINFLIPX flips the X scales of a Window.
- WINFLIPY flips the Y scales of a Window.
Improvements and Changes
- 64-bit processing supports full on board memory access on 64-bit Windows.
- LARGEADDRESS mode supports more program memory on 32-bit Windows.
- Faster and more accurate implementation of ERF, ERFC and ERFCX by using
the complex FADDEEVA function.
- GAMMA and GAMMALN use fast Lanczos approximation for speed and accuracy.
- MOVMAX and MOVMIN handle complex series.
- Date/time axes supported for XYZ and surface plots.
- PRESERVE_WINDOW_LABELS configuration parameter supports "sticky" window labels.
- DEFAULT_LAYOUT configuration parameter supports startup window layout.
- TIC_X_STYLE and TIC_Y_STYLE configuration parameters determine if a plot is automatically
scaled on X/Y tic marks or data range.
- LOCALE_FORMAT_NUMERIC configuration parameter supports adding thousands
separator for numeric display, e.g. 10000 displays as 10,000.
- Modeless Function Wizard for easier point and click function selection.
- Expanded TeX equation formatting support for extensive math and symbol annotations.
- X data with NaN values plot as gaps.
- Y data with NaN values plot as gaps for XYZ and surface plots.
- Faster loading of Worksheets with big data.
- UpDown GUI selections support 32 bit integer values.
- Low density plots move faster via mouse.
- Faster X log plots.
- Log plots support all negative X and Y values.
- LDERIV and RDERIV accept an optional endpoint method parameter.
- NaN values generated by 0/0 expressions process correctly.
- CALC(0) mode works properly for loaded series.
- Cursor handles complex and date/time for all axes.
- DWK saving supported for read-only Labbooks.
- Static variables preserved properly if an SPL load or compile fails.
- SPL functions with nested function #include statements compile properly.
- Import handles mixed ASCII real and complex data files properly.
- INNERPROD argument order swap for computations with operators that are not commutative.
- DLL loading checks standard Windows folders.