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DADiSP 6.7 B02 Release Notes

Build 01 - Initial Release Date October 29, 2015

DADiSP 6.7 Build 01 is an upgrade of DADiSP 6.5.

Build 01 Specific Changes

Below is a list of changes and improvements specific to DADiSP 6.7 B01:

New Features and Functions

64 Bit Processing

DADiSP 6.7 B01 Win64 is a true 64-bit application. Although individual series are limited to a maximum length of 2 giga-samples, DADiSP 6.7 B01 Win64 has full access to all system resources. On 64-bit systems with a large amount of on-board RAM, setting a large series buffer with SETBUFSIZE allows a long series to remain resident in fast RAM, resulting in faster processing of big data.

On 32-bit systems, DADiSP 6.7 B01 Win32 is now Large Address Aware, providing access up to 4 GB of on-board RAM.

New ProPac Math Accelerator Module

The new DADiSP/ProPac Module combines the VectorXL module with the FFTXL and MatrixXL modules to provide a single, optimized numeric processing engine. Together, all three modules deliver accelerated vector math, FFT and matrix computations by using the Math Kernel Library from Intel. Speed improvements of 20% up to a factor of 50x are common.

Data Processing

  1. BLOCKMAX computes the non-overlapping block maximum of a series.
  2. BLOCKMEDIAN computes the non-overlapping block median of a series.
  3. BLOCKMIN computes the non-overlapping block minimum of a series.
  4. BLOCKRMS computes the non-overlapping block RMS of a series.
  5. CUMAVG computes the cumulative average of a series.
  6. DIFF computes the 2 point difference of a series.
  7. MOVMEDIAN computes the N-point moving median of a series.
  8. REPCOLUMN replicates the columns of a series.
  9. REPELEMENTS replicates individual elements of a series.
  10. SEREXTRACT extracts multiple sections from a series.
  11. VAVGS computes the point by point mean of one or more input arguments without zero padding.
  12. VMEAN computes the mean of one or more input arguments.
  13. VSUM computes the sum of one or more input arguments.
  14. VSUM computes the point by point sum of one or more input arguments without zero padding.
  15. XMINMAX returns the minimum and maximum of a series X values without copying or data generation.
  16. XYDTTAB creates a table of multiple XY series from date, time and Y series.
  17. XYTAB creates a table of multiple XY series from a table.

Data Generation

  1. GVALARRAY generates an array of all the same real value.
  2. GSAWTOOTH generates a sawtooth series.

Signal Processing

  1. ADDPHASE adds a constant phase to a series.
  2. CAS2SOS converts cascade form filter coefficients to second order section form.
  3. CAS2TF converts cascade form filter coefficients to direct form.
  4. CAS2ZP converts cascade form filter coefficients to zeros, poles and gain.
  5. DEMODAM demodulates an amplitude modulated series.
  6. IMPS computes the impulse response of a continuous system.
  7. MEDFILT1 performs median filtering of a series.
  8. MODAM performs amplitude modulation of a series.
  9. PHASEDIFF computes the phase difference between two sinusoids.
  10. SGOLAY generates Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter coefficients.
  11. SGOLAYFILT filters data with a Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter.
  12. SOS2CAS converts second order section form coefficients to cascade form.
  13. SOS2TF converts second order section form coefficients to direct form.
  14. SOS2ZP converts second order section form coefficients to zero, poles and gain.
  15. SOSFILT filters a series with coefficients in second order section form.
  16. SPLANE displays a Pole-Zero plot of a S-transform.
  17. STEPZ computes the step response of a Z-transform.
  18. TF2CAS converts direct form coefficients to cascade form.
  19. TF2SOS converts direct form coefficients to second order section form.
  20. TF2ZP converts S plane transfer function form to zeros, poles and gain.
  21. TF2ZPK converts Z plane transfer function form to zeros, poles and gain.
  22. ZBPFILT performs band pass filtering by FFT zeroing.
  23. ZBSFILT performs band stop filtering by FFT zeroing.
  24. ZP2CAS converts zeros, poles and gain to cascade coefficient form.
  25. ZP2SOS converts zeros, poles and gain to second order section form.
  26. ZP2TF converts zeros, poles and gain to transfer function form.


  1. BINCOEFF calculates the generalized binomial coefficient.
  2. COLRMS calculates the RMS for each column of an array.
  3. NCHOOSEK returns the unordered combinations of N elements in groups of K.
  4. PASCAL returns Pascal's Triangle.
  5. STATSUM computes summary statistics for one or more series.

Cursor Functions

  1. CUREXTRACT extracts one or more series from a source window based on cursor indices.
  2. CURLOCSET sets cursor X locations of one or more windows based on a source window.
  3. CURPOSSET sets cursor index positions of one or more windows based on a source window.
  4. CURXEXTRACT extracts one or more series from a source window based on cursor X locations.

Special Functions

  1. BETAINCINV computes the inverse regularized incomplete beta function.
  2. COSINT computes the cosine integral.
  3. DAWSON computes the Dawson integral.
  4. EXPINTEI computes the Cauchy principal value exponential integral.
  5. ERFCX computes the scaled complementary error function.
  6. ERFI computes the imaginary error function.
  7. FACTORIAL computes the factorial for positive integers.
  8. FADDEEVA computes the Faddeeva function.
  9. GAMMAINCINV computes the inverse regularized incomplete gamma function.
  10. HANKEL generates a Hankel matrix.
  11. SININT computes the sine integral.
  12. TOEPLITZ generates a Toeplitz matrix.
  13. VANDER generates a Vandermonde matrix.


  1. CLEARSHADING removes shading from a list of windows.
  2. COLORTORGB converts a color index into RGB values.
  3. GETCOLOR returns the color of a series.
  4. RGBTOCOLOR converts RGB values into a color index.
  5. SETCOLORBARLABEL sets the label for a COLORBAR.


  1. COMLABEL title an Window with the series comment.
  2. COMXLABEL labels the X axis with the X series comment and units.
  3. COMXYLABEL labels the X and Y axis with the X and Y series comment and units.
  4. COMYLABEL labels the Y axis with the series comment and units.
  5. SERXLABEL labels the X axis with the series name and units.
  6. SERYLABEL labels the Y axis with the series name and units.


  1. New |^ operator performs bitwise exclusive or.
  2. The __FILE__, __FILENAME__, __FUNC__ and __LINE__ macros return the filename, function name and line number of the current SPL routine.
  3. GETCOMPUTER returns the computer, CPU or OS type.
  4. GETITEM returns a single item from a window.
  5. ISWINEMPTY returns 1 if a Window does not contain a series.
  6. LOGLOG sets the X and Y axis to log scales for one or more windows.
  7. SEMILOGX sets the X axis to log scales and the Y axis to linear scales for one or more windows.
  8. SEMILOGY sets the Y axis to log scales and the X axis to linear scales for one or more windows.
  9. SETXRANGE sets the X axis plotting and autoscale range such that the first and last tics are labeled.
  10. SETYRANGE sets the Y axis plotting and autoscale range such that the first and last tics are labeled.
  11. UNIXDT converts a series of UNIX time values to date/time values.
  12. WINFLIPX flips the X scales of a Window.
  13. WINFLIPY flips the Y scales of a Window.

Improvements and Changes

  1. 64-bit processing supports full on board memory access on 64-bit Windows.
  2. LARGEADDRESS mode supports more program memory on 32-bit Windows.
  3. Faster and more accurate implementation of ERF, ERFC and ERFCX by using the complex FADDEEVA function.
  4. GAMMA and GAMMALN use fast Lanczos approximation for speed and accuracy.
  5. MOVMAX and MOVMIN handle complex series.
  6. Date/time axes supported for XYZ and surface plots.
  7. PRESERVE_WINDOW_LABELS configuration parameter supports "sticky" window labels.
  8. DEFAULT_LAYOUT configuration parameter supports startup window layout.
  9. TIC_X_STYLE and TIC_Y_STYLE configuration parameters determine if a plot is automatically scaled on X/Y tic marks or data range.
  10. LOCALE_FORMAT_NUMERIC configuration parameter supports adding thousands separator for numeric display, e.g. 10000 displays as 10,000.
  11. Modeless Function Wizard for easier point and click function selection.
  12. Expanded TeX equation formatting support for extensive math and symbol annotations.
  13. X data with NaN values plot as gaps.
  14. Y data with NaN values plot as gaps for XYZ and surface plots.
  15. Faster loading of Worksheets with big data.
  16. UpDown GUI selections support 32 bit integer values.
  17. Low density plots move faster via mouse.
  18. Faster X log plots.
  19. Log plots support all negative X and Y values.
  20. LDERIV and RDERIV accept an optional endpoint method parameter.


  1. NaN values generated by 0/0 expressions process correctly.
  2. CALC(0) mode works properly for loaded series.
  3. Cursor handles complex and date/time for all axes.
  4. DWK saving supported for read-only Labbooks.
  5. Static variables preserved properly if an SPL load or compile fails.
  6. SPL functions with nested function #include statements compile properly.
  7. Import handles mixed ASCII real and complex data files properly.
  8. INNERPROD argument order swap for computations with operators that are not commutative.
  9. DLL loading checks standard Windows folders.
 B02 Specific Changes | Installation 