DADiSP® Makes Complex Data Analysis Faster and Easier
DADiSP (pronounced
day-disp) is an interactive graphics worksheet -- a visually oriented
software package for the display, management, analysis and presentation
of scientific and technical data. If you collect, manipulate, edit,
reduce, transform, display or analyze data, DADiSP can handle and
simplify your data needs. In short, if you work with technical data,
DADiSP is for you.
With DADiSP you can acquire, input and even generate sample data, displaying
the results in multiple windows for immediate graphic comparison. You can
reduce and transform data, using any of hundreds of menu-driven analysis
functions, instantly graphing the results of each stage of your work.
DADiSP doesn't require mastering any programming skills or arcane command
sets. DADiSP was designed to let you perform data analysis the way you think
about data analysis.
DADiSP's Unique Worksheet Approach Puts an End to Programming
A DADiSP worksheet is comprised of as many analysis windows as you need.
Each window can contain either raw data, or data transformed by one
of DADiSP's many analysis functions, shown as a graph or a table.
The data and graphs in each DADiSP window can be related through
formulas to those in other windows, permitting you to define your
own analysis chain without programming. When new data is loaded
into the raw data windows, dependent windows automatically
recalculate and update.
DADiSP Brings Your Data to Life... Graphically
DADiSP enables you to look at your data from different points of view. View data as a line graph, a
scatter plot, a stick chart, a bar chart, a waterfall plot, a 3-D plot, 4-D colonization or as a basic

table of numbers. With DADiSP, you can dynamically scroll, expand or compress your data in any direction.
Zoom in on a region of interest, add grids, include scales and engineering units. View your data in
whatever colors you wish, overlay one graph with another, and another, and another -- as many overlays
as you wish, in as many graph styles as you wish -- the possibilities are endless. Comparing different
views of your data couldn't be easier.
Powerful Enough to Meet All Your Needs

From data input and acquisition, to analysis and display, to reduction and manipulation, to transformation
and what-if simulations, to publication-quality output for journals, reports and presentations. DADiSP
does it all!
With over 1000 powerful functions including mathematics,
statistics, Fourier analysis, matrix manipulation,
2-D, 3-D, 4-D and technical graphics, DADiSP has everything you
need to do your job simpler, faster and better from start to
finish. To further extend the capability of DADiSP into application
specific areas, check out our series of powerful
plug-in modules.
With tens of thousands of commercial and academic users worldwide,
you're in good company with DADiSP.
Quality Graphics for Presentation Reports
DADiSP gives you publication quality graphics and text output on a wide variety of printers and plotters.

Text and graphic annotation can be added to any plot to professionalize its presentation and to improve
its interpretation. Plot directly to your printer or transfer a DADiSP window or complete worksheet into
your favorite desktop publishing package with DADiSP's state-of-the-art
image rendering capabilities.
Capture Data From Any Source
DADiSP automatically captures data generated by most laboratory instruments and test and measurement
equipment, making your data available for immediate graphic display and analysis.
Let DADiSP help you take control of automated test and measurement equipment, or even production
equipment. DADiSP is ideal for quality management and factory monitoring applications.
SPL (Series Programming Language)
A C/C++ like programming language,
SPL, is designed to address the special needs, routines, and
customization of the engineer, programmer, or OEM. SPL provides all the standard programming facilities
including user-defined functions, looping and iteration, conditional statements, array references
and variables. SPL also supports the unique and powerful feature called "Hot Variables". Change
the value of a Hot Variable, and all variables that depend on it automatically
The Windows version supports
as a client or server, allowing bidirectional exchange of ASCII or
binary data. DADiSP Worksheets can be embedded into any ActiveX aware
application such as Excel or Word. DADiSP Worksheets can be emailed to
colleagues and displayed on Web sites using standard Web browsers.
Completely Customizable and Extendible
DADiSP allows you to create your own analysis functions with SPL
and DADiSP Macros, build your own analysis programs with DADiSP
Worksheets, run your favorite external programs from the DADiSP
environment, and set up your own standard procedures through DADiSP
scripts. Create your own pop-up menus with the DADiSP Pop-up Menu
Toolkit. With DADiSP you can set up your application once so that
others can handle routine tasks for you. Engineers and OEM's can
integrate DADiSP with their own or other hardware and software
ActiveX and
You Choose the Computer
latest release of DADiSP supports Windows 64-bit and 32-bit operataing
systems. Legacy versions of
DADiSP are available under X-Windows Motif on workstations from Sun, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Digital
Equipment, NeXT, SGI Concurrent and others.
Executive Summary
See our
DADiSP White Paper for a brief description of the engineering spreadsheet concept and
a quick overview of what DADiSP can do for you.
DADiSP is a registered trademark of DSP Development Corporation.